Thursday, June 5, 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Waiting On God
society in which we all live!

We wait to grow up, we wait to get married, we wait to have children, buy a home, go on vacation, etc....
I have come to believe that we have such a problem with waiting because we do not correctly know "how" to wait....and waiting on God is no exception!
You see, we often mistake a season of waiting as this passive time of doing nothing....of twiddling our thumbs, pacing and looking off into the distance for the next big thing to be ushered into our lives; but I submit that there is far more to waiting than all depends on the perspective we hold while we wait.
As with many of you, I find myself, yet again, in a season of waiting on God....and although this is not my first go round of walking with Him on a journey of unknowns....I have still faltered in my thinking....hence, the reason I am writing this blog today!
I've gotten tired of feeling tossed, driven and miserable as I wait, so I decided to call a few things to my remembrance about the importance of viewing waiting from God's point of view....and in so doing, I also decided that I'd pass them along just in case you find yourself in need of a bit of the very same encouragement!
First off, I've been reminded that waiting on God does not mean doing nothing! It should in fact, be an active season of prayer, growth, and deepening intimacy with Him!
Secondly, waiting on God affords us opportunity to call to our remembrance all of the times God has been faithful to us in the other words, if we could trust Him before....we can still trust Him now!
Lastly, but certainly not least, we learn in our waiting that God's timing is perfect! When He moves, and He always does....we can often look back and more clearly discern our seasons of waiting.....remember Sweet Sister' is lived forward, but often understood in reverse!
Remember to drop on over to to give your heart a bit more lift! Also remember to join me Monday, May 26th at 10 AM EST when Life On The Grow Blog Talk Radio returns!!! I'll be chatting on today's blog in more detail as we take a look at King David's life to prove that we can be successful while we wait on God!
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
What Has God Been Sharing With Your Heart Lately? Let It Go......

You see, I began meditating on those amazing words....." Even before He made the world....." and as I did, God began to paint a vivid picture.....even before He made the world, God looked down through the corridor's of time and determined to love me, adopt me, forgive me and cleanse me in Christ....He determined to overlook and remember no more every sin I'll ever commit....long before I took my very first was all a finished work in my life long before the very foundation's of this earth were ever laid.....
This picture began to take on a life of it's own as the immense weight of God's amazing, amazing grace began to settle on my heart afresh!
Every one of my sins forgiven.....every shortcoming forgotten.....every single mistake, and outright dastardly deed, submerged in the Precious, Powerful blood of Jesus......
And as if this fresh revelation hadn't already sufficiently crushed my heart, God led me to read the Bible's commentary explanation of this verse......"Paul says that God "chose us" to emphasize that salvation depends totally on God. We are not saved because we deserve it but because God is gracious and freely gives salvation. We did not influence God's decision to save us: he saved us according to his plan. Thus, there is no way to take credit for our salvation or to allow room for pride. The mystery of salvation originated in the timeless mind of God long before we existed. it is hard to understand how God could accept us. But because of Christ, we are holy and blameless in his sight; God chose us, and when we belong to him through Jesus Christ, God looks at us as if we had never sinned. All we can do is express our thanks for his wonderful love......." (1)
WHEW!!!!! That was all she wrote and the pencil broke....along with my heart......cause it hit me like a ton of bricks that in wallowing in my "hurt" I've been in effect, taking credit for my gift of salvation and I've certainly been operating in pride!!! Not in simply being hurt....that part was legitimate and real....after all, hurt happens in this life.....but in my dragging it around, and refusing to let it go; I have been declaring others "responsible" and let me just say, it rocked my world in NO small way to be reminded that Almighty God has done the exact opposite for me....He's held me responsible for nothing.
Yes, I've been hurt...that's true.....but that still small voice of His reminded me that over the course of my life, I've hurt others too.....yes, I've been sinned against, and once again, I was reminded that I've sinned against others as well.....more importantly, I was reminded that just like I can continue to expect to be hurt and sinned against on this side of life.....I would do well to remember that I too can continue to expect to blow it and unfortunately, do more of the same to others....
That's when the "lightbulb"in my brain clicked back on......God knew all of that....He KNOWS all of that about me and yet, He chose to love me into His family anyway...better yet, He chooses to keep me in His family anyway, and it's not because of anything I've done...or not done for that matter, but simply because of His unconditional gift of love! He had lovingly reminded me of the depths of His grace, and how desperately I needed it...even before He created the world I needed it; and just like I desperately need His grace, I also just as desperately need to extend it others.....I need to tear down every Satanic wall and stronghold around me which demonstrates any forgetfulness of the measure of the magnificent gift to which I have been a recipient.....Not a participant.....
So I started naming offenses, they rolled off of my tongue with ease....but this time, at the end of every one....I assured Him I was repenting of holding them AND letting them go.... I was walking away from, forgetting, and turning my back on them just like He has faithfully turned His back on and forgotten every one of mine.....
Yes, accountability certainly has it's place.....I'm not at all saying that it doesn't. We all know that there are definitely consequences to our sin......I guess all I am saying is that I have finally humbled myself to see that holding and insisting on accountability is a burden that is far too great for me to carry and ultimately, one I don't even have "the right" to carry, I have gladly let go, and am letting God be the Healer, Lover and Victor over my soul that He has always been.....better yet, I'm finally, for the first time in my life, really learning to live unoffended.......I've got a long way to go....but it helps me to know that my God will faithfully teach this lesson to my heart when I need to be reminded of it....not because I deserve it....but just because He loves me!
1. Excerpted from: The Chronological Life Application Study Bible; Tyndale House Publishers, Inc; Carol Stream, Illinois; October 2007
Remember to drop on over to to give your heart a bit more lift! Also remember to join me Monday, April 7th at 10 AM EST on Life On The Grow Blog Talk Radio when I'll be chatting on today's blog in more detail!
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
A Story That Has Changed My Life Is.......

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the story, then I'm not going to spoil your chance to read and absorb it for yourselves....grab your Bible and read in the book of Genesis beginning at Chapter 37:1, and ending at Chapter 50:26.
I will tell you that it is an account of youthful foolishness that is mixed with the right amount of pain, sorrow, hardship, difficulty, faith, maturity, wisdom, and passage of time....which ultimately results in the reversal of a young man's fortune in life, and the sparing of many people!
In other words, it is one of those beautiful accounts that reminds each us of that God has a sovereign design and plan for our reminds us that when our lives are fully surrendered to Him, there is absolutely NOTHING that touches our lives that is reminds us that He uses every heartache, failure, and triumph, mingles them all together in the course of time and brings about a conclusion which hails to His glory and our good.....
Precious Sis, I don't know what you may be currently walking out/through in your life, but I do know this....if you know Christ as your Lord and Savior, then God Almighty is with you; He's orchestrating a Divine work of art within the tapestry of your matter how hard or painful your journey becomes, be reminded that Joseph didn't know what the outcome of his story would be either....he had to walk it out with his faith and trust in God to guide and sustain him.....yet unlike Joseph, we now have the benefit of being able to glean from Joseph's story, the marvelous workings of God as He wove every circumstance in Joseph's life together in a way where he could in the end speak the words of our Scripture reference to the very one's who had meant to destroy him.....
I'm not sure about you, but the account of Joseph's life assures me, that as long as I live with my faith focused forward, and my trust firmly rooted in the goodness of God, I can expect to see "all things in my life work together for my good because I love Him and am called according to His purpose....." (Romans 8:28 paraphrased) and because our God has no favorites amongst His can expect the same in your life too!
As always, don't forget to join us over at for more fuel for your heart & be sure to tune in Monday, March 31st at 10 AM EST via Blog Talk Radio as we discuss the story of Joseph's life, and the hope it holds for us in my broadcast titled "All Things Work Together...."
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Are You On The Sidelines Or In The Game?

I was especially reminded of today's Scripture reference, Joshua 3:13-14, as it occurred to me that the enemy often leads us to spiritual injury in order that he might keep us sidelined and out of the game on God's behalf; and make no mistake about it....the spiritual injuries the enemy uses to sideline us are often just as debilitating as my son's physical injury was to his ability to play football.
The enemy will often use fear, doubt, feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, as well as, false guilt, and condemnation to sideline us and keep us off of the playing field for God.
Although I named those particular negative feelings and emotions, they are just a few of the tactics our adversary keeps in his arsenal to render us ineffective and sideline us from stepping out and taking that 1st step of obedience in the things God calls us to & here's why.....
I am convinced that he (the enemy) works so hard to shut us down at the starting gate, outset, on the sidelines, what have you....because he knows that if he can successfully hinder us before we ever get started serving and living out our callings, we then, never have the real opportunity to become a threat to his kingdom.
One of the things that made watching my kiddo struggle with his injury so very hurtful was no matter how much he wanted to or wished he could, he simply could do nothing to help his team. His skills, talents and gifts were not in any kind of use....while standing on the sidelines for 4 games following his injury, he posed no threat whatsoever to the opposing teams his team played against.
Using that analogy, can you see then ladies, how and why it's such an advantage to Satan if he can cut our spiritual legs out from underneath us before we can even get in the game? We, like the priests of Israel have to be willing to step out in faith, get off of the sidelines and get out in the game of life, or in their case, in the waters of life....
The era of conquest would've surely been hindered and gotten off to a very poor start had Joshua, the priests, and people been too afraid to step out into the Jordan River, at flood stage no less, and believe that God would do with and thru them exactly as He had promised.
The Chronological Life Application Study Bible says it best....."The Israelites were eager to enter the Promised Land, conquer nations, and live peacefully. But first they had to cross the flood-level waters of the Jordan River. God gave them specific instructions: in order to cross, the priests had to step into the water. What if these priests had been afraid to take that first step? Often God provides no solution to our problems until we trust Him and move ahead with what we know we should do. What are the rivers, or obstacles in your life? In obedience to God, take that first step......" (1)
I couldn't have said it any better myself....I truly believe you are eager to enter your promised land too! Yes, you may have to play the game or cross the rivers with a few injuries, but don't let anything keep you from it.....Your God has already given you the Playbook, instructions and Promises....Just Do It!!!
Remember to drop on over to to give your heart a bit more lift! Also remember to join me Monday, March 17th at 10 EST on Life On The Grow Blog Talk Radio when I'll be chatting on today's blog in more detail!
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
A Small Thing That Makes A Big Difference Is......

Show me a person who has lost their sense of hope and I will show you an individual who would likely tell you that their whole world is shadowed by a dark cloud or even, perhaps, a sense of meaninglessness.....on the other hand, if you should show me an individual who is hopeful, I will show you a person who views life from the perspective of having a confident trust with the expectation of seeing that trust other words, they have an eagerness and joyful expectancy for what their future holds....and I'm not speaking here about a "bubble-headed, rose-colored glasses" type of optimism.
The type of hope I'm speaking of is not something we can just muster up via wishful thinking and a positive attitude....The hope I'm referring to has it's roots in a supernatural Source....God Himself.
The earliest Christians often faced difficulties. Oppression, poverty, persecution, famine, and imprisonment were more common than material peace, security and prosperity. But even under such difficult earthly circumstances, the presence of the Holy Spirit and the hope of final restoration gave them great joy and strength.....
The point being this, no matter what difficulties we might face in this life, the hope of eternal life with God should help us to respond to all of our circumstances in this life with love, joy, and peace. (1)
So, the next time your dreams don't pan out exactly as you plan.....remember....hope springs eternal.
When your friends fail to understand your heart....remember....hope springs eternal.
When death rears it's ugly head and you find yourself standing at the graveside....remember....hope springs eternal.
When the diagnosis and prognosis are far worse than you even thought possible....remember.....hope springs eternal.....
And finally, when that day comes and you get to see Him face- to- glorious-
face....believe me, you'll remember.....hope springs eternal!
1. Excerpted from: The Chronological Life Application Study Bible; Tyndale House Publishers, Inc; Carol Stream, Illinois; October 2007
Remember to join us over at for more encouragement! Also, be sure to join me Monday, March 10, at 10 AM EST via Life On The Grow Blog Talk Radio where I'll be discussing "The Power of Realized Hope...."
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
The Same Team.....
Being a Baptist gal born & raised I have spent my fair share of time at/in church. Let me be the first to say, I ADORE the Body of Christ, which is why I am writing today's post....
We only need look around us to see how our society and the world at large are heralding the soon coming return of our Lord and King! Soon and very soon, our faith shall become sight! In that, I rejoice, but I would be lying if I said that my heart isn't also burdened down with heaviness and sadness over some other things that are equally as obvious....
In our scripture reference, we hear Paul expressing his concerns over divisions within the church. His question in the beginning of verse 13 brings to mind something I've witnessed over the years in watching my sons play the game of Basketball.
Often, in the heat of the game, the fellas will be poised under the hoop diligently watching and waiting for the basketball to make it's way to, or through, the net so they can "box-out" their opponent and grab the ball for a rebound for their team. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen kiddos from the same team thrashing and fighting for the ball with such concentration and determination that they fail to even realize that they are fighting one of their own teammates....but luckily, we dedicated sports-parents are always present and are quick to "coach" from the stands and yell out "Same Team!" in the hope of making the players aware that they are actually inhibiting one another from accomplishing the very purpose for which they are even playing the game in the first place.....and nothing breaks or saddens my heart more than witnessing this very same thing within the Body of Christ......
Go back and read it for yourselves, but I believe that Paul was attempting not only to remind the Corinthian believers of the destructiveness and Kingdom hindering work caused by divisions within the Body, but his message was intended to be one of reproof for us as well......
Whether it be Denominational differences, styles of worship, or just plain old in-fighting, this offers us a graphic picture of what happens when the church, or the people in it, are divided.....
So, here's our challenge......just like in the game of Basketball, as followers of Christ, we need to remember that we too have an opponent who delights in nothing more and does nothing better than causing us to thrash and fight with our teammates, while slyly duping us into forgetting that our true fight is actually against his opposing team..... (Eph. 6: 10-18)
How much healing might we render in the Body, and how many senseless quarrels might be avoided if we took the time to yell out "SAME TEAM!" and remind ourselves and one another that our Jesus, in fact, is NOT divided....never has been and never will be! Our allegiance must be to Him and the unity He desires......
Although the reality of this truth saddens me, it is not one I can say I've lived out, or have even witnessed being lived out with consistency and is a great goal for us to press on toward though....wouldn't you agree?
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Who Inspires You
"But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus-the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God...." Acts 20:24
Before I could begin to write about "who" inspires me, I had to spend a little time mulling over "what" inspires me....and by "what" I mean character qualities. You know, those aspects of those you admire that make them stand out to you & cause you to desire to pattern yourself after them in most every way.....some of the character qualities that inspire me are endurance, resilience, steadfastness, joy, perseverance, authenticity, honesty, Holy-Spirit inspired boldness and warmth.....just to name a few.
I've known many folks who have colored my life with these qualities....most of which, I have been blessed to have as close family, and the one other individual, besides my Jesus, who has bolstered my faith and helped set the course for my walk and relationship with God, is the subject of the above Scripture reference taken from the book of Acts....yes, the Apostle himself....Paul.
As I have had opportunity to study Paul's life, I marvel and rejoice over the fact that God could take someone so hopelessly lost, turn his life upside down, re-direct his passions and efforts and use him to the degree that Paul was used in spreading the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
He makes the saying true...."If God can use him; He can use anybody!" and that is precisely why his life inspires me so much....Paul himself knew that Jesus hand-picked him to prove that He can redeem anyone. He (Paul) knew it, and he never forgot it all of the days of his life! He instead used that knowledge to face every obstacle and circumstance of his life with single-mindedness of purpose....the purpose of knowing nothing else and doing nothing else but living his life to serve Jesus Christ!
Amazingly in the latter part of verse 22 & in all of verse 23 of the 20th Chapter of the book of Acts, we hear Paul say that he knows the road ahead is going to be rocky, at best, for him..."I don't know what awaits me, except that the Holy Spirit tells me in city after city that jail and suffering lie ahead...." Yet right after saying that, he follows up with our Scripture reference and declares that his life matters not to him, except that he finish the work which The Lord had assigned matter the matter the matter the pain!
Oh Girlfriends! How I pray for all of us today that we grow into solidness of purpose and understanding as Paul did that this life simply is not about us....we live to be second, we live to magnify Another, we live to prove, even and often through trials and suffering, that The One we serve is real and that He is the only way to God the Father!
I'm not certain about you, but the beat of my heart just quickened a few it always does, when I meditate and ponder on the focus and zeal Paul wasn't just talk....he lived it and in the end, gave his life for it! We may not ever know martyrdom for our faith in Christ, but don't you want to get to the end of your life and be able to say like Paul... "As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God. The time of my death is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me-the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge will give me on the day of his return....." 2 Timothy 4:6-8a
I know I want with everything in me to be able to say it....and as long as I have Paul's example in front of me to inspire me; and my sisters beside me to encourage me....I believe I just may get there....and I believe that you will too!
For more inspiration hop on over to and check out the links of my Sista-Girls there! Also, join me Monday morning March 3rd at 10 AM EST on Life On The Grow Blog Talk Radio when we'll be discussing "Living A Life That Inspires!"
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
What Brings You Joy?

Being since the day marked the occasion that it did, I needed only to look around me to fully see and appreciate many of the things that bring me the greatest amount of joy in this life.
Truth be told, many of the "things" I am speaking about are not things at all… They are in fact, people. The people who make up the best part of each and every day of my life.
Reading their words of love that they sent via text, Facebook posts, phone calls, and private messages… Caused me to realize afresh that I am deeply loved and greatly cared for by many.
This day was not only a celebration of the beginning of a new year of life, joy, hope, and expectation….It was an opportunity for me to savor all of my blessings…… And to recognize, that no matter how often I blow it, mess up, or fail; there are those whom God has graciously placed in my life who love me despite all of my flaws and weaknesses. And that, caused a wellspring of joy to bubble up within me.
Another of my greatest sources of joy is doing exactly what I am doing now…… Sharing my heart and gifts with the hope of encouraging and building up all those who will have the chance to read this blog.
I cannot tell you what it has meant to me to be part of the "Coffee For Your Heart 2014 Encouragement Challenge...." Via this great collective effort of women joining together sharing their voices, gifts, and talents; I have been encouraged not only to share my gifts, but to prayerfully inspire others to share their God-given gifts also. For me, there is nothing more exciting than seeking the face of our Father and asking Him to manifest Himself in and through the talents He has entrusted to me in order that His Daughters might be led to press in, press on, and seek to know and follow His plan for their lives too.....
Lastly, but certainly not least, is the joy I experience from knowing Christ as not only my Lord and Savior, but from knowing Him as my closest and dearest friend. It is because of Him that everything else I previously mentioned has any existence or even makes any sense.
Truly, the most marvelous thing about knowing Him is my being able to rest in the certainty that if none of those other things existed, or somehow ceased to exist; my joy in Him could still be complete because He is enough…… In Him is joy everlasting, joy complete, the fullness of joy, and where all joy originates……
The Word of God tells us that "The joy of The Lord is our strength...." In the book of Nehemiah, Ezra the scribe and priest, along with The Levites, told the people in chapter 8, verse 10, to cease their mourning over their failure to uphold the instruction of the law; and to begin rejoicing because the day they were celebrating was a holy day and cause for celebration. They were reminded on that day, as we should be every day, that security comes from Yahweh alone.
I am not certain of the circumstances of your life, but this I do know…… "Joy" is a little word with huge implications.... It serves us far better than happiness, which is fleeting and circumstantial at best.…… Because joy runs deep and springs eternal. Just like The God who provides it, it is a sure resource for the weary, a refuge for the hopeless, renewal for the tired, and a respite for those who mourn.
So let me ask you, Sis…… "What brings you joy?" When was the last time you really thought about it? I'm not much of a betting gal, but I am willing to bet that if you spend a little time today, just like I did last week, pondering over this vital question; you'll find that you have a lot more to be joyful for than perhaps you even think.....
Based on Nehemiah 8:10-12 and John 15:11
For more encouragement and discussion on what brings you joy don't forget to head on over to to link up with the other gals and myself.
Also, be sure to join me Monday morning, February 24 at 10 AM EST on Life On The Grow blog talk radio as I'll be chatting about "How to Experience More Joy in Your Life…"
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
No Matter What Happens, You're Going To Be Okay Because......

God is already there....wherever "there" is....He's already gone ahead of you....He's tread the path, knows every twist & every turn.....He's arrived and is awaiting you with open arms.
There is an amazing truth woven into today's Scripture reference....a truth, that reinforces God's ultimate sovereignty over life and death, and also one that ensures us of the absolute fact that our God knows every single plan He has for us; because He has marvelously planned our lives down to the minutest detail.....
What a blessed assurance we have....not one thing that enters or touches our lives does so behind God's back....He knows it all and better yet, is there to meet us and travel each mile with us.....Every single thing that catches us by surprise is history past to Him.....He's already been there and done that.....
One of the things I've learned from understanding and resting in this to ask God "what?" rather than "why?" By saying that, I don't mean to give the impression that I always immediately understand or even appreciate everything God allows....there have been, and I am sure will still be, many things that occur in my time on this earth that I won't fully grasp until I step over into eternity....but I have decided that instead of wasting precious time striving with God and potentially getting stuck in the "why's" of time is better spent by asking Him "what he wants to teach me in every circumstance of life....." Doing this helps me better accept , by faith, the things that don't make sense; and also helps me focus in on growing up in Christ, rather than feeling helplessly tossed and driven by the ever-changing seas of this life......
I want you to do something, Sis....I want you to read that first line over again; until it really sinks in.....until the truth of it makes it's way into your bloodstream and has a chance to touch every single aspect of your being! I want you to practice this truth until it becomes a permanent part of your thought life....Because no matter what happens, you're going to be okay....I've read the back of The Book.....He's there and we win!!!
To be reminded by a few other ladies that you're gonna be okay; head on over to and read the other links found on her page! Enjoy and be blessed!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Encouraging Words For Your Tough Days....

We especially have more of those days, it seems, whenever we are trying to focus on accomplishing the purpose and very work for which God called us into this world in the first place.....
So when those days strike, this "Words of Affirmation" gal usually finds herself in need of a healthy dose of "wordy" reassurance....with that in mind, I'd like to do for you ladies today....what I absolutely LOVE to have done for me....I want to give you some encouragement....especially for your tough days!
On the days when you feel small & inadequate, remember that you are enough! God rarely calls the equipped....but He certainly does extend His more than adequate equipping to everyone He calls!
When you feel as though you don't measure up to the don't have to! God did literally break the mold when He made you....which means you get to run your own race, at your own pace with your God, who has lovingly & uniquely designed just the "right" work for you to complete on His other words, He has a work for you to do that will bring Him glory as well as good to you & others!
On the days when fear threatens to paralyze you..........remember that the Spirit that is housed within you is one of power, love and serve The One and Only..... The One and Only who spoke the universe and all that's in it into existence! He is for you....He rejoices over you with singing....what in the world do you have to fear? Yes, I understand that the future is unknown to us and life plainly hurts at times, but we never experience anything in this life that our God cannot understand, cannot walk us through, cannot deliver us from, cannot help us overcome & certainly, cannot work for our good!
On those days, please remember that Jesus came so that you might live in victory....not defeat! He came so you might have an abundant it to the full, and hopefully, invite a few folks to the party!
God doesn't need you, Sis....that's for sure.....yet, cooler still & don't you ever forget it; HE WANTS YOU!!! In the purest, most passionate sense of the expression! He wants you so much that He went to the farthest degree possible to ensure that He would have you as His own...not just in this lifetime, but forever!
So the next time you run across those folks that the enemy is so great at putting in our path who seem to just delight in knocking us down a peg or 2.....I hope I come to your mind....I hope you'll remember that you have a gal pal in this world who wants you to know that you're a gem, a peach, the cat's meow.....all that and a bag of chips.....and she thinks it not cause she's bias and just desires to placate you with a little false flattery....but because she too knows the God you serve and she thinks you're great....even on the tough days.....cause He does too!!!!
* take in more great encouragement for your tough days....head on over to and let the other gals who have linked in on her page lighten your heart with love and hope! Then, join me Monday, February 10th, at 10 AM EST on Blog Talk Radio, so we can continue today's conversation! Love & Blessings!*
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
You're Not Alone....

I remember it like it was yesterday, December 12th 1998.....The EMT's were carefully loading my precious Daddy into the back of the ambulance as he literally struggled for every breath.....It felt as though every cell in my body were screaming all at once..."This can't be happening again!"
You see, My family (Daddy included) and I had just been through almost the exact same scenario just 4 months earlier with my precious Momma.....who, was by this time, in Heaven with Jesus......
I climbed in the front passenger seat of the ambulance, and as I did, I felt panic creeping an only child, my life was becoming unrecognizable......and quickly at that!
I was numb......I sat there staring straight ahead with my heart and mind racing.....searching for something to hold onto in that moment when it felt like everything I knew....everything I had built my life around was slipping away......
Suddenly, my heart snagged on something....something solid, something true, comforting, and very was faint at first, but the still, small voice began to grow stronger inside of me until I heard it with force and clarity......"NEVER WILL I LEAVE YOU....NEVER WILL I FORSAKE YOU!"
And then I knew it.....I wasn't alone....despite how small and alone I felt in that awful moment, my God was there assuring me of His constant, eternal Presence......with me....and with my Daddy.
As God would have it, my Daddy did leave this world and join Him in Heaven that day, and even though I went through a season of fear and discouragement the like's of which I had never experienced before.....I have since learned the absolute truth of Deuteronomy 31:8......I am never alone and my Sweet Sister, neither are you.......
I don't care how alone you may feel, right now, at this very simply must remind yourself that feelings lie! Scripture tells us, that God, on the other hand, is not a man that He should make it plain.....HE CAN'T LIE because there is no darkness in Him.....
He says you are not alone and by George, you're not alone....ever! Early in the morning, at noonday and late in the midnight hour....He is there.....with you, for you, by you, over you, and around you! Ever-loving, ever-caring, ever-present, ever-working.....
I wish I could say I've never experienced another moment of loneliness, sorrow, or panic.....nope, I can't say that at all.....I also cannot tell you that you'll never experience another moment filled with those emotions either.....what I can tell you though is, when those moments find me, I try to do 3 things right away.....I close my eyes, quiet my racing mind/heart and begin to listen for His still, small voice.... and I listen hard until I can hear it ringing loudly within me like a bell full of eternal promise....."NEVER WILL I LEAVE YOU.....NEVER WILL I FORSAKE YOU!"
I pray you can hear it too, Girlfriend.....I pray you hear it too.......
*For more great reminders that you're not alone head on over to today and/or join me Monday, February 3rd at 10 AM EST on Blog Talk Radio to hear more on ways to relate to loneliness!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
You're Beautiful.....Just as You Are
As a 51, very soon to be 52 year old woman, whose BMI falls comfortably in the "overweight" in a society where all over the television, especially this time of year, are svelte, swimsuit clad, gorgeous, 20-somethings.....I really NEEDED this weeks reminder!
I am beautiful....just the way I am!!!! Why? Simply cause GOD SAYS SO and He alone, along with His Word alone, are to be our final authority!
Now, please hear me clearly, I am not at all saying that there is anything wrong with having been endowed with the God-given gift of external beauty.....every good and perfect gift comes from the Father included!
I suppose that what I am attempting to say here is....while external beauty is good, it is not ALL that there is to beauty....especially in God's economy....and especially if you are a child of God in Christ! God's Word reminds us that external beauty is fleeting and does not last (Proverbs 31:30) but there is a most important "type" of beauty that does last, and goes far beyond external appearance.....that is "the beauty" I want to discuss with you today, and I pray with everything in me that by the time I'm done, you'll know for certain, just how gorgeous you really are!
The first thing I want to tell you about "the beauty" afforded us by God via Christ is that it is eternal....
As 1 Cor. 15:35-50 tells us, we shall receive new, imperishable bodies....unlike the frail human bodies we now live in, our resurrected bodies will be very different from our earthly bodies.....Yes, we will be recognizable to one another, but our bodies will be spiritual ones; full of glory and equipped to endure for all of eternity.....without any of the trappings of earthly beauty that we so often feel the need to partake of in order to feel attractive on this side of life. In other words gals, someday we're gonna receive the Ultimate makeover and NEVER have need for another one......ever again!
The second thing you should know about our beauty in Christ; is that it debunks the world's standards of beauty because it manifests from the inside-out....not the outside-in.......
2 Cor. 4:7 assures us that we have been given a great treasure which is the light of Christ shining in our hearts! This "treasure" is the supremely valuable message of salvation in Christ Jesus which God has entrusted to us to share with those around us.....
In 1 Peter 3:3 Peter admonishes Christian women, particularly wives, to not be overly concerned with outward beauty...i.e. fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry and beautiful clothes.....but rather to concern themselves with the beauty that comes from within; the unfading beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit.
Now let me say again, this does not mean that we, as Christian women, should be dowdy and frumpy. It is absolutely good for us to take care of ourselves, be good stewards of the bodies God has given us, and to look one's best, but far more important than all of that is the developing of an inner spirit of Godliness,which eternal.
The Third thing you should know about our beauty in Christ is that it is recognizable in us, now....on this side of life because those who possess it also possess wisdom and discretion.....
Show me a beautiful woman who consistently shows no wisdom and discretion in her behavior and I will show you a woman who does not yet fully know her worth in Christ! Proverbs 11:22 instructs us that a beautiful woman who lacks discretion is like adorning a pig's snout with a gold ring! Basically, physical attractiveness without discretion is soon discovered to be quite ugly indeed. We also need to develop our ability to think and make wise decisions.....because those two qualities will lead us and sustain us in our efforts to walk out a Godly life here on the earth....yet again, leading to eternal gains.
Again, I can't speak for you gals, but it has done my heart good to be reminded that I can be comfortable in my own skin....right and always.....I'm grateful to know that I can drop, and never need pick up again, the vices of comparison and competitiveness..... I'm grateful that I can continue on in my own race and seek only to become more like Jesus and better at being me.....and the cool thing can too.....because Sweet Sis, you are beautiful.....just as you are! Always have been & always will be!
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
You're Loved

There's nothing better than romance.....good, old-fashioned, true, authentic, romance with the One and Only Lover of our souls!
Yes, human love is can be fulfilling and endure for a life-time, but today, I'd rather we focus on the One true love affair we are offered for ALL of eternitty......The One True Love that doesn't change based on our successes, failures, good times, bad times, education level, or socioeconomic status.
By all means, I love crazy as a matter of fact! I desire, pray and hope the best for you, and I want like nothing else to see you live life to the absolute full....but....unfortunately, my love is fallible, flawed and finite.... Although I promise to do my best to honor God's decision to allow you & I to journey through life together, alas, that's all I can best....which in the final analysis will not be anywhere near good enough to measure up to the love God Himself holds for you!
There are numerous aspects of God's amazing love that are worthy of our meditation and's eternal, enduring, unconditional nature are enough to make me swoon, but there's one thing I want you to know, cherish, remember, and hold onto for dear life.....Nothing, and I do mean NOTHING can ever separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus!
"Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? (As the Scriptures say, "For we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.") No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow-not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below- indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:35-39
I'm not sure about you, but I am in one of those seasons of life where I need to be reminded that I am loved beyond limits or circumstances! I need to be told afresh that I have a love covering me which cannot be shaken or removed.....contains none of the varying degrees of human fickleness.....watched me come into this world, shadows my every step through this world and will certainly be there someday to escort me away from this world.......And I pray Precious Friend, that I have reached my goal in today's post....I pray that your memory has been jogged, your faith bolstered and your heart stirred because we serve a God who is no respecter of other words, He has no favorites amongst His kiddos.....just like He loves me....He wanted me to tell ya that you're loved too!
What I Want Those I Care About to Know in 2014

Holly Armstrong Gerth announced last week on her website that she was beginning a new series titled "Coffee For Your Heart Encouragement Challenge" and my heart just jumped all over the idea of using my words to encourage and build up the hearts of those God has lovingly placed within my sphere of influence!
I am an encourager by gifting and nature; so being part of something so cool....just made perfect, immediate, absolute sense to me!
What makes this even more of a blessing for me is the fact that I had been seeking God about how He might have me share thru my regular weekly broadcast in this new year. There had been passing, fleeting ideas which didn't stick....but this Challenge......this caught, stuck and ignited like a wildfire in my heart!
What could be better than getting to spend the next few weeks to months lavishing words of life & love on those I care about? Absolutely nothing!
In a world where so much of what we hear and are told is designed to make us feel less than and discontented, it is a pure JOY to deliberately set my heart and mind to doing the exact opposite!
I fully expect that the dividends of completing this challenge will resonate in and thru my life not just for this year, 2014, but throughout all of eternity! That's my prayer at least.....I pray over all those who are embarking on this Encouragement Challenge that our hearts will enlarge with love and hope.....I pray that as we are purpose driven to share the vitally important resource of encouragement with others that God will see to it that we reap 100 fold on what we are sowing! I pray that the joy of The Lord will flow out of us and become contagious to those in our presence! Mostly, I pray that God will be glorified in and thru this series as many of us join together using the various gifts and talents He has entrusted to us as we seek to lift the hearts of His people! Amen!
Our topic for this week is: Encouraging Words I Want Those I Care About to Know in here goes!
1. I want them to know fullness of relationship with God in Jesus Christ.
John 14:6, John 10:10
2. I want them to know that relationship with God is possible because of God's great love for them.
John 3:16, 1 John 4:10-12, (and I am sharing Him because I love them deeply too....)
3. I want them to know they are created with purpose.
Eph. 2:10, Jer. 29:11, Psalm 139:14
4. I want them to know that God is still good even when life is not.
Romans 8:28, Gen.50:20, John 16:33, John 14:27
I hope you'll take the time to search out and reflect on each Scripture reference for yourself, but I also hope you'll join me Monday morning, January 13, at 10 AM EST as I elaborate and share my heart on each point via my weekly broadcast on Blog Talk Radio! Tune in at so I can tell your heart even more of what I really want it to know!