I was especially reminded of today's Scripture reference, Joshua 3:13-14, as it occurred to me that the enemy often leads us to spiritual injury in order that he might keep us sidelined and out of the game on God's behalf; and make no mistake about it....the spiritual injuries the enemy uses to sideline us are often just as debilitating as my son's physical injury was to his ability to play football.
The enemy will often use fear, doubt, feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, as well as, false guilt, and condemnation to sideline us and keep us off of the playing field for God.
Although I named those particular negative feelings and emotions, they are just a few of the tactics our adversary keeps in his arsenal to render us ineffective and sideline us from stepping out and taking that 1st step of obedience in the things God calls us to & here's why.....
I am convinced that he (the enemy) works so hard to shut us down at the starting gate, outset, on the sidelines, what have you....because he knows that if he can successfully hinder us before we ever get started serving and living out our callings, we then, never have the real opportunity to become a threat to his kingdom.
One of the things that made watching my kiddo struggle with his injury so very hurtful was no matter how much he wanted to or wished he could, he simply could do nothing to help his team. His skills, talents and gifts were not in any kind of use....while standing on the sidelines for 4 games following his injury, he posed no threat whatsoever to the opposing teams his team played against.
Using that analogy, can you see then ladies, how and why it's such an advantage to Satan if he can cut our spiritual legs out from underneath us before we can even get in the game? We, like the priests of Israel have to be willing to step out in faith, get off of the sidelines and get out in the game of life, or in their case, in the waters of life....
The era of conquest would've surely been hindered and gotten off to a very poor start had Joshua, the priests, and people been too afraid to step out into the Jordan River, at flood stage no less, and believe that God would do with and thru them exactly as He had promised.
The Chronological Life Application Study Bible says it best....."The Israelites were eager to enter the Promised Land, conquer nations, and live peacefully. But first they had to cross the flood-level waters of the Jordan River. God gave them specific instructions: in order to cross, the priests had to step into the water. What if these priests had been afraid to take that first step? Often God provides no solution to our problems until we trust Him and move ahead with what we know we should do. What are the rivers, or obstacles in your life? In obedience to God, take that first step......" (1)
I couldn't have said it any better myself....I truly believe you are eager to enter your promised land too! Yes, you may have to play the game or cross the rivers with a few injuries, but don't let anything keep you from it.....Your God has already given you the Playbook, instructions and Promises....Just Do It!!!
Remember to drop on over to http://holleygerth.com/ to give your heart a bit more lift! Also remember to join me Monday, March 17th at 10 EST on Life On The Grow Blog Talk Radio when I'll be chatting on today's blog in more detail!
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