
Show me a person who has lost their sense of hope and I will show you an individual who would likely tell you that their whole world is shadowed by a dark cloud or even, perhaps, a sense of meaninglessness.....on the other hand, if you should show me an individual who is hopeful, I will show you a person who views life from the perspective of having a confident trust with the expectation of seeing that trust fulfilled....in other words, they have an eagerness and joyful expectancy for what their future holds....and I'm not speaking here about a "bubble-headed, rose-colored glasses" type of optimism.
The type of hope I'm speaking of is not something we can just muster up via wishful thinking and a positive attitude....The hope I'm referring to has it's roots in a supernatural Source....God Himself.
The earliest Christians often faced difficulties. Oppression, poverty, persecution, famine, and imprisonment were more common than material peace, security and prosperity. But even under such difficult earthly circumstances, the presence of the Holy Spirit and the hope of final restoration gave them great joy and strength.....
The point being this, no matter what difficulties we might face in this life, the hope of eternal life with God should help us to respond to all of our circumstances in this life with love, joy, and peace. (1)
So, the next time your dreams don't pan out exactly as you plan.....remember....hope springs eternal.
When your friends fail to understand your heart....remember....hope springs eternal.
When death rears it's ugly head and you find yourself standing at the graveside....remember....hope springs eternal.
When the diagnosis and prognosis are far worse than you even thought possible....remember.....hope springs eternal.....
And finally, when that day comes and you get to see Him face- to- glorious-
face....believe me, you'll remember.....hope springs eternal!
1. Excerpted from: The Chronological Life Application Study Bible; Tyndale House Publishers, Inc; Carol Stream, Illinois; October 2007
Remember to join us over at http://holleygerth.com/ for more encouragement! Also, be sure to join me Monday, March 10, at 10 AM EST via Life On The Grow Blog Talk Radio where I'll be discussing "The Power of Realized Hope...."
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