Wednesday, January 29, 2014

You're Not Alone....

"The Lord is the one who will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid or discouraged...." Deuteronomy 31:8

I remember it like it was yesterday, December 12th 1998.....The EMT's were carefully loading my precious Daddy into the back of the ambulance as he literally struggled for every breath.....It felt as though every cell in my body were screaming all at once..."This can't be happening again!"
You see, My family (Daddy included) and I had just been through almost the exact same scenario just 4 months earlier with my precious Momma.....who, was by this time, in Heaven with Jesus......
I climbed in the front passenger seat of the ambulance, and as I did, I felt panic creeping an only child, my life was becoming unrecognizable......and quickly at that!
I was numb......I sat there staring straight ahead with my heart and mind racing.....searching for something to hold onto in that moment when it felt like everything I knew....everything I had built my life around was slipping away......
Suddenly, my heart snagged on something....something solid, something true, comforting, and very was faint at first, but the still, small voice began to grow stronger inside of me until I heard it with force and clarity......"NEVER WILL I LEAVE YOU....NEVER WILL I FORSAKE YOU!"
And then I knew it.....I wasn't alone....despite how small and alone I felt in that awful moment, my God was there assuring me of His constant, eternal Presence......with me....and with my Daddy.
As God would have it, my Daddy did leave this world and join Him in Heaven that day, and even though I went through a season of fear and discouragement the like's of which I had never experienced before.....I have since learned the absolute truth of Deuteronomy 31:8......I am never alone and my Sweet Sister, neither are you.......
I don't care how alone you may feel, right now, at this very simply must remind yourself that feelings lie! Scripture tells us, that God, on the other hand, is not a man that He should make it plain.....HE CAN'T LIE because there is no darkness in Him.....
He says you are not alone and by George, you're not alone....ever! Early in the morning, at noonday and late in the midnight hour....He is there.....with you, for you, by you, over you, and around you! Ever-loving, ever-caring, ever-present, ever-working.....
I wish I could say I've never experienced another moment of loneliness, sorrow, or panic.....nope, I can't say that at all.....I also cannot tell you that you'll never experience another moment filled with those emotions either.....what I can tell you though is, when those moments find me, I try to do 3 things right away.....I close my eyes, quiet my racing mind/heart and begin to listen for His still, small voice.... and I listen hard until I can hear it ringing loudly within me like a bell full of eternal promise....."NEVER WILL I LEAVE YOU.....NEVER WILL I FORSAKE YOU!"
I pray you can hear it too, Girlfriend.....I pray you hear it too.......

*For more great reminders that you're not alone head on over to today and/or join me Monday, February 3rd at 10 AM EST on  Blog Talk Radio to hear more on ways to relate to loneliness!


  1. Someday I would like to sit down and have some God time over coffee/tee and a snack. Save me a spot for when I get there.
    God Bless

    1. That sounds like a great plan! Many Blessings to you too!

  2. Thank you for the reminder that we’re not alone! So glad you linked up with Coffee for Your Heart this week! XO

    1. Holley, The pleasure and blessing are all mine! Thank you so very much for inspiring so many of us to use our voices to warm and encourage the hearts of others! Absolutely loving every minute! XOXO
