Psalm 62:6-7 (NIV) "He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my mighty rock, my refuge."
I recently heard the title of today's blog used in a radio discussion segment on one of my favorite Christian radio stations....the phrase was used in reference to how society is often quick to place celebrities who profess faith in Christ on a pedestal and then become extremely disillusioned and disappointed when those same folks make mistakes and subsequently "fall from grace".... often, they will also use these unfortunate incidents as a further excuse for why, they themselves, resist going to using the age-old expression..."Church is filled with hypocrites."
Well, let's just get it out in the open and say that they are absolutely IS filled with a bunch of fallible people....and as long as we all remain human, imperfect and continue to live in a fallen, sinful world .....that will absolutely continue to be the case....In this world, Christians will never acquire the state of "sinlessness"...the one and only thing that we can expect in this life is that as we grow in our walk and relationship with Christ; we therefore mature and in the process, by the Power of His Holy Spirit, we simply begin to sin LESS.....we can become increasingly victorious over sin.... but sin is something we'll never completely outgrow...
Every Christian I know would be the very first to admit this and also tell you that they profess faith in Christ not because they've forgotten or overcome their imperfections, but because they are well-aware of them and their all encompassing need of a Savior.....we stand forgiven ONLY because of the work Christ accomplished through His death on the cross...nothing more and gratefully, nothing less....
Truly, the problem here is not that Christians are mistake-prone and imperfect, it's the fact that we often assign to people the glory that only God is worthy of in the first place....In the video taping of session 3 of Beth Moore's study on the life of King David, she gave what I believe to be one of the very best prescriptions/remedies for this problem when she simply said "You cannot expect of people what only God can deliver. People are worthy of our esteem, but only God is worthy of our exaltation....We can trust them to be people but we cannot trust them to be God." (1)
Yes, God does call leaders among His people, who are to be held to a higher standard of integrity and because of Whom they represent, their behavior should be above reproach and they should maintain their callings with great reverence....but how do we keep the proper perspective when those whom we serve with fall short of their calling?....
We must first remember that the One and Only perfect Leader is Christ Himself and our eyes and hearts should ever be set on following His Word alone.....secondly, while we're charged by God to obey, esteem, support, pray for and treat with lovingkindness those earthly leaders which He appoints over us, we should never place upon them the burden of carrying the weight of God's is unfair to them and clearly unrealistic and immature on our part to do so....
So, the next time reports hit the airwaves of a professed Christian celebrity, church leader (or perhaps even someone you serve more closely with) having committed acts not worthy of their calling in Christ...instead of rushing to attitudes filled with disappointment and disillusionment leveled toward the entire Body of Christ....why not resort to the posture of prayer and greater support of those whom God has appointed to lead, shepherd and walk alongside you???
Yes, there is and always will be a place for accountability and rebuke and unfortunately, there will always be some among us who are "wolves in sheep's clothing" who falsely profess to be vessels of God....but remember Beloved Friends, God is not mocked and that is why He gives us discernment through His Holy Spirit Who guides us into all Truth...but as for those who are genuine, yet manage to stumble....let us put away the pedestals and remember that Only God is God.....
1. Beth Moore: "David: Seeking A Heart Like His": Session 3 Video presentation: Lifeway Press 2010
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