"Charm is deceptive, and beauty fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30 (NIV)
As I vacillated for a few days on the topic that I should write on this week, God "loudly" confirmed the direction that He had been coaxing me in after I read this Facebook post from a dear Sister In Christ (I share this post with her permission)..... "Is not impressed that my daughter wants ice for breakfast because one of the daycare workers at the gym had ice for their dinner...I hope this is more innocent than it sounds. Please ladies, step up to the plate and be a good example to our girls. They do not need to see us doing outlandish things like this or saying cruel things about our bodies. We need to show them the beauty of a healthy woman." (1)
You see, God has been reminding me for about 4 weeks now; of the complete and sheer importance of we, as women, knowing who we are in Him.....
We live in a world where fad diets and airbrushed photos of stunningly attractive women are clearly what's considered today's "beauty standard..." yet, every single woman I know, including myself, is often, in some way, shape or form, left feeling like she is far "less than" the images we are bombarded with and expected to keep pace with...
Do not get me wrong, I am not at all saying that seeking to maintain a balanced, healthy, fit, lifestyle is in any way a bad thing....it is absolutely good stewardship of our bodies for us to do just that....what I am saying though is...anything that swings to the opposite extreme of this premise is not good for us to accept as truth as my friend's FB post so clearly explains.....
Although I must admit that I need to take more seriously the importance of healthy living and good stewardship over my own body, one of the greatest life lessons God ever taught me was in showing me my identity in Him through His Holy Word. He taught me that although every Believer is gifted to serve Him, it's knowing who we are in Him that will sustain us for a lifetime of service on His behalf......every single one of us who professes faith in Christ as Daughter's of the Most High God, already possesses the certainty of these truths being applicable in each of our lives....
You may be wondering exactly what I am speaking of when I talk about our knowing who we are in Christ....well, in her latest Going Beyond Conference, Priscilla Shirer did a tremendous job of searching the word of God and writing out two whole pages of "Identity Statements" in her conference guide that readily describe or tell something about each of us who are in Christ....the following are just a few examples.... (2)
1. I have been made complete in Christ. (Colossians 2:10)
2. I have been given a Spirit of Power, Love, and Self-Discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7)
3. I am assured that all things are working together for good. (Romans 8:28)
4. I have been adopted as God's child. (Ephesians 1:5)
5. I am a member of Christ's body. (1 Corinthians 12:27)
6. I cannot be separated from the love of God. (Romans 8:35)
7. I am completely forgiven. (Colossians 1:14)
8. I am the sweet fragrance of Christ to God. (2 Corinthians 2:15)
9. I am hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3)
10. I am Christ's Ambassador (2 Corinthians 5:20)
Again, these are just a few of the truths/affirmations that tell us about who we are and what we possess in God through our Savior, Christ Jesus....My encouragement to each of you is that you would write these down, tape them on your bathroom mirrors so you can see them everyday as you get ready to make contact with the world, keep a copy in your purse or put them on your car dashboard.....keep them anywhere nearby so you can grab them and reaffirm them to yourself whenever the Enemy attacks with lies and "less than" statements concerning you and please, please.....don't forget to share them with your daughters and your friends because we're all in this thing together!!! Lastly, and most importantly, continue to search His precious Word for yourself so that He will make His promises to you even more evident as you seek and fellowship with Him and begin to learn, perhaps for the first time ever, to see yourself through His eyes!!!
Remember Sweet Sisters, these truths outstretch positive thinking and far outlast our youth...they are solid and true promises spoken from the very mouth of God over and concerning each one of us!!! What a wonderful foundation on which to build an awesome dose of good, healthy self-image!!!
1. Many Thanks to you Sara!!! Your words are timely and true and God certainly used them as an answer to prayer!!!
2. Going Beyond Life Interrupted Simulcast Guide; Pgs. 10-11; Priscilla Shirer/Lifeway-Women 2011