The soul, just like life, has seasons, but unlike life, the seasons of the soul do not necessarily follow a natural order. In life, we readily expect the natural succession of Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn; but the seasons our souls experience often depend on the happenings in our lives…. and not on any natural order.

Although the cause behind each “season” every soul experiences may differ, the goal or outcome of each, in the life of every follower of Christ, should be the same….the goal being, our allowing God to glorify Himself through us to the rest of the world no matter the circumstance or occasion…Think of those you know personally or by example, who have faced unfathomable tragedy, with dignity, grace and strength that was simply unexplainable given the circumstances….that’s an example of taking a season of despair or "soul winter", turning it over to God and allowing His grace to abound in and through you so others may know that what they see taking place, originated with God and not yourself….
This principle can be true no matter the season of life….it’s all about taking every opportunity to magnify the Lord….as the scripture reference from Ecclesiastes tells us…"there is a season for every activity under heaven" but there is also a Kingdom purpose for each activity as well. In God’s firm grasp, there is never any waste….Although God may not render unto us an explanation for everything He allows, we can be assured according to Romans 8:28 (NLT) that somehow “God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.”
So, what season of the soul do you find yourself walking in today, My Friend? My prayer for each of us, as we are entering one season or leaving another, is that we would all determine to let the Light of Christ shine through us no matter the circumstance or season of our soul…..