Sunday, January 11, 2015

He Knows Where I'm Going

"I go east, but he is not there. I go west, but I cannot find him. I do not see him in the north, for he is hidden. I look to the south, but he is concealed. But he knows where I am going....." Job 23:8-10a

We all have them, those times in life when no matter what we do, we simply cannot discern God's presence in our lives....
Like Job in our scritpure reference, we search for Him everywhere and for the life of us, we cannot find Him.
In those times, as is true of life in general, what's most important is what we know of God and not what we can feel!
Job answers his own dilemma and ours too when he says in verse 10....."But he knows where I am going."
If we are faithfully following God, living according to His precepts and commands, and we still find ourselves traveling through seasons where He seems distant and quiet; may we never forget that He knows where we are at all times, in the midst of any and every situation.
There is never a time in our lives when He is not matter what our feelings may try to make us believe.
I pray you'll always find hope in knowing that when your way seems dark and uncertain, your direction unclear and perhaps even hampered; Your Father knows precisely the path you are taking because He is the One who established your journey.

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