society in which we all live!

We wait to grow up, we wait to get married, we wait to have children, buy a home, go on vacation, etc....
I have come to believe that we have such a problem with waiting because we do not correctly know "how" to wait....and waiting on God is no exception!
You see, we often mistake a season of waiting as this passive time of doing nothing....of twiddling our thumbs, pacing and looking off into the distance for the next big thing to be ushered into our lives; but I submit that there is far more to waiting than all depends on the perspective we hold while we wait.
As with many of you, I find myself, yet again, in a season of waiting on God....and although this is not my first go round of walking with Him on a journey of unknowns....I have still faltered in my thinking....hence, the reason I am writing this blog today!
I've gotten tired of feeling tossed, driven and miserable as I wait, so I decided to call a few things to my remembrance about the importance of viewing waiting from God's point of view....and in so doing, I also decided that I'd pass them along just in case you find yourself in need of a bit of the very same encouragement!
First off, I've been reminded that waiting on God does not mean doing nothing! It should in fact, be an active season of prayer, growth, and deepening intimacy with Him!
Secondly, waiting on God affords us opportunity to call to our remembrance all of the times God has been faithful to us in the other words, if we could trust Him before....we can still trust Him now!
Lastly, but certainly not least, we learn in our waiting that God's timing is perfect! When He moves, and He always does....we can often look back and more clearly discern our seasons of waiting.....remember Sweet Sister' is lived forward, but often understood in reverse!
Remember to drop on over to to give your heart a bit more lift! Also remember to join me Monday, May 26th at 10 AM EST when Life On The Grow Blog Talk Radio returns!!! I'll be chatting on today's blog in more detail as we take a look at King David's life to prove that we can be successful while we wait on God!