Monday, April 16, 2018

No Room for (Social) Justice 

“But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” Amos 5:24 ESV

I never share from my life experience to incite guilt or to cause ANYONE to feel as though they should somehow have to apologize for who God in His infinite wisdom has created them to be. That my friends, is foolishness and goes against God’s perfect design for His people.

I share for 2 reasons....because there are far too many who still harbor hate in their hearts and because even for those who don’t harbor hate, it is still far too easy to slap the labels of “identity politics” and “race-baiting” to my pain and experiences so they are then free to “wash their hands” of ever even hearing my voice...... 

Ever since I was a little girl & maybe because of my life experiences, I have always had a strong sense of justice. So, there have been times in my life when I have spoken up and out for others who were being treated unjustly. But sadly, truth be told, there have been far too many times when I have failed to adequately stand in the gap on behalf of those who possibly would’ve benefited greatly from the addition of my voice to their struggle. Something in me.....something about this particular season of my life and the divisive climate we’re living in will no longer allow me to do that.....hold my peace that is....

My heart was crushed this past week, during the recognition of the 50th year since Dr. King’s assassination, by the voices of so many other believers who have been quick to say that social justice has no place in the church....I read this sentiment in comment after comment.....on the messages posted by The Gospel Coalition.

Please help me understand. Is not the fight for the unborn social justice? Is not the fight for those being trafficked in modern day slavery also social justice? 

Is it not also social justice to fight for religious freedom and liberties, to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and care for widows and orphans? 

Why then, is it easier to say that men who look like my husband and sons are first criminals that deserve to be riddled with bullets? Why is it easier to say “If they just would do as they were told; none of this would ever happen?”

 Why is it easier to quote statistics of black-on-black crime as if we’re somehow ok with and unaware of the happenings within our own if those statistics somehow excuse unnecessary brutality?

Why is it easier to disconnect historic proof from the current realities for some of us? I ask you, have the tendencies of human hearts really changed that much?

If you have been afforded the opportunity of considering these things only from that view-point of thought then may I humbly submit that therein lies the startling difference in our lives....

Oh, don’t get me wrong....I weigh all of those points too. Were they acting criminally? Did they do something to cause their awful plight? Then, my logical, Marine Corps Infantry Officer wife mind steps in and reminds me that it often only takes just 1 bullet to bring a person, why the need for 5, 8, 12, 20, etc? Why the need for overkill? That? That....feels like something else....something I and many others have had no choice but to hone as a “sixth sense” if you will.....that same thing that babies and animals are often said to have cause they are vulnerable enough where they have to almost innately be able to sense when others mean them harm or are up to no good.....that sixth sense I have to have to be able to discern when someone is dealing with me from a place of anger or fear motivated by hate....or worse yet, arrogant indifference. That most painful of reactions that tells me not all lives truly matter.....

When I see other believers write statements saying social justice is only a leftist political idea and doesn’t have any place in the church; the overarching message I am receiving is one that says only certain types of social justice are worthy of our attention. I hear that the types of social justice that matter most to me are no longer in existence and are therefore figments of my imagination only....and too often, I’m hearing this from my siblings in Christ....

This has caused me and many others a very recent crisis of faith. It has caused me to have to rethink who I am, who & where I should serve & worship with and HOW I should serve and worship as well.

How am I to converse with you if you don’t even believe the things I am saying are true? How do I talk to you if you’re so full of defensiveness that the only thing you hear in my words is a guilt-trip? Where do we begin to relate when you tell me race is only an issue because I won’t stop talking about it, but yet, there are others out there who won’t let me forget that I am “different” in their eyes? 

How do I serve with you if you tell me that the things with regard to social and ethnic justice that so readily impact my life have absolutely no bearing on our friendship in Christ? Just your saying that leads me to feel as though there’s a very real piece of my identity that you are willfully, albeit perhaps innocently, determined to overlook.

How do I trust you as my friend if your blind spots prove to be hurtful to me...unintentional as that may be; and how do we fellowship if you tell me I’m being hyper-sensitive when I try to share the concerns of my heart?

How do I ever believe you can hear me when the roadblock I’m up against is your telling me to “just get over” the sufferings which are STILL connected to my ethnic identity?

In Dr. John Perkins’ latest book he writes about the trance that God placed Peter in as described in the book of Acts in order to show him the error of his thinking concerning Cornelius, the Roman whom God expressly told him to go and share the gospel with......but, whom we know Peter resisted sharing with at first due to his own prejudice....after all, Cornelius was a Gentile and Peter had never touched anything “unclean.” 

Dr. Perkins goes on to hope and surmise that this time and season we find ourselves in within our nation is perhaps the church’s trance.....perhaps God is seeking to do the very same thing in the church here in America that He did for and with Peter so very long ago? I hope with him that he is correct. 

He firmly believes that the Black church can’t correct our ills alone; nor can the White, Latino, Asian church, etc....only the collective church of Jesus Christ working together can do this.....and I couldn’t agree more.

My heart has found hope in those amongst my siblings whom I also saw last week who said God had changed their hearts....where they once would’ve been the first to roll their eyes at the slightest mention or notion of racism or social justice; God has now broadened their perspective. Although they were fewer in number than the naysayers, they were there shining like beacons of bright hope to my weary soul.

Funny, but they didn’t seem to feel as though they had lost or given up something in the process....they actually seemed to feel as though they had gained something of the utmost importance.

Although my heart has been heavy, it is also encouraged in the hope that this work God is doing; He will continue to do not just in some of us, but ALL of us! To Him I say...”Have your way, King Jesus! Purify your Bride!”

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Rule of Peace: Day 10

The Lord gives his people strength. The Lord blesses them with peace.”

My family and I have ridden out several hurricanes as we’ve lived now in several different states.The most recent one we’ve added to our list was Irma. 

Just like everyone else in FL, we watched and listened to all of the forecasts with baited breath while we grappled with the decision to stay put or evacuate.

It ended up, that we stayed put out of necessity because my daughter, who works at a local animal hospital, had to work through the weekend (as much as was reasonably and safely possible).

I am not too ashamed to tell you all that it was with great trepidation and anxiety for me that we stayed put....I’m not certain why, but there’s something about going to bed with a hurricane raging around me that simply strikes fear and unrest in my heart. Call me crazy, but I can ride out a hurricane like a champ all day long, but once night falls, the champ in me quickly exits stage left!

Maybe it’s the feeling of lying in bed helpless and unaware of what’s transpiring in my surroundings that terrifies me the most, and causes hurricanes to seem much more ominous to me at night, but whatever the case, it’s true....I simply lose it.

Prior to Irma’s arrival, I had opportunity to study today’s Scripture reference. I was reminded that peace, true peace, God’s peace is a blessing imparted to us by Him alone.

So, as I was lying there in my bed, staring out into the darkness and listening to the winds rage....I caught my mind drifting to this verse and as I did so, a prayer began to form...

“Bless me with Your peace in the midst of this storm, Lord. I choose to remember that You are God over all of the elements. You speak and they have to listen. I thank You for the gift of Your peace each day and every day. I especially thank You for that gift tonight. I know that Your eyes are upon us; watching over us, and Your mighty angels are standing guard over us even now as You have commanded them to do. Thank You, Lord for Your many blessings....In Jesus’ Name I pray....

And as my prayer trailed off, I must’ve drifted off to sleep because before I knew it, I was opening my eyes to the light of another day....with very little to no hurricane left in sight....

Oh sure, there were remnants left from the night before...but ultimately, the storm had they always do.

I don’t know what you might be facing today, Sweet Sister....the storm you may be traveling through...but remember your God, The Giver of peace and strength.....Trust that He will eventually speak to the elements behind your storm...and know that when He does; they too will have to listen....and cease.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Rule of Peace: Day 9

"When a man's ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him." Proverbs 16:7

Let me tell Y'all! I LOVE this verse! What a Mighty and Awesome God we serve! In your Biblical text you will probably notice that the name "Lord" is in all caps. 

This is simply one of the reasons that the Word of God captivates me so. There is so much in it to learn, not to mention the layers within it that lends us deeper understanding of our Great God and King. Today's verse is no exception.

You see, whenever we see "Lord" written in all caps within Scripture, we are literally being told that this is a rendering of the distinctive personal name of the God of Israel.

This, my friend, gives us even more validation of The Who behind the truth found in this scripture.

The God of Israel Himself causes even our enemies to live at peace with us when our ways/lives are found to pleasing in His sight!

So, this tells me...better yet, reminds me to concentrate on living a life which brings honor and glory to God because He undoubtedly has control of ALL of the rest!


Thank you LORD, The God of Israel, that You are for me! You alone order my steps, the direction of my life, and are powerful enough to cause even those who would make war with me to live at peace with me instead. Help me and strengthen me to live a life that brings You  alone all glory and I thank You for guarding my life from the hands of my enemies....natural & supernatural! In Jesus' Name! Amen!

The Rule of Peace: Day 8

"Deceit is in the heart of those who plan evil, but those who plan peace have joy." Proverbs 12:20

Today's Scripture reference begs one simple question of you & I, Sweet Sister. Would you rather that your heart be filled with deceit or joy?

Undoubtedly, it is the truest desire of each of us to have hearts that are filled to overflowing with the joy of our Lord. In that case, may we purpose to always plan and deploy peace in our interactions with others.


Father God, make me a counselor of Your peace. May my mind, mouth, and feet always be quick to deploy and engage in establishing peace among my Brethren and all people. Especially in my personal interactions. Bring any deceitful ways, thoughts, or speech patterns quickly to my awareness that I might deal with it as sin and repent of it. I want that nothing would stand in the way of my being able to fully worship and walk with You in Spirit and truth. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Rule of Peace: Day 7

"And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7

The ESV Bible Commentary tells us that "Paul echoes Jesus' teaching in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 6:25-34) that Believers are not to be anxious but are to entrust themselves into the hands of our loving Heavenly Father, whose peace will guard us in Christ Jesus. Paul's use of "guard" may reflect his own imprisonment or the status of Philippi as a Roman Colony with a military garrison. In either case, it is not the soldiers of today or yesterday who ultimately guard Believers-it is God Almighty. Because God is sovereign and in control, Christians can entrust all their difficulties to Him, who rules over all creation and who is wise and loving in all his ways!"


Father, I rejoice that in these dark and uncertain days I have the certainty of Your presence ever with me, watching over me, and caring for me. Thank You, that Your peace guards my heart and mind in times of distress; surpassing all of my finite human understanding. Forgive me when I forget and doubt Your peace and quickly remind me that I can always rest and trust in You! In Jesus' Name! Amen!

Monday, September 4, 2017

The Rule of Peace: Day 6

"And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness" James 3:18

The ESV Bible commentary tells us that " the legacy of those who bring peace rather than conflict is a harvest of righteousness. The fruit that comes from peacemaking in the Christian Community will be righteous conduct that God will bless."

Do you know 2 or more Believers who are struggling with a difference of opinion or are just plain at odds?

Are you standing back shaking your head, clicking your tongue thinking "They should know better?"

While that may be true, let's not forget that Satan is crafty and very good at what he does....Jesus made no bones about Satan's mission here on earth...he comes to steal, kill, and destroy....

Please don't stand back and choose a side between your siblings. Don't add injury to those who are already injured. Don't allow your Spiritual Family to be divided without the slightest acknowledgement or glance.

Instead, may I encourage you to wisely meddle a bit? Lovingly step in and ask God how you can help bring peace and resolution to an already tumultuous situation before Satan is successful in waging more war amongst siblings within the Body.

We need more peacemakers who will plant the seeds of peace. Those who can not only see the forest for the trees in our disappointments and disagreements with one another, but are also willing to help us find our way out.....

There are few things more devastating than injury sustained within the Body, and there's nothing more witness shattering than when we stand by, along with the world, and watch it happen....

So, to all our peacemakers....Please, stand up!



Grant me a sensitive heart to discern when there is a need for me to sow the seeds of peace. Guard me against harboring love that grows cold and is indifferent to the conflicts and hurts of others. Give me clarity and wisdom in exercising the ministry of reconciliation. Make me an ever-increasing instrument of Your peace, Father. In Jesus' Mighty Name! Amen! 

The Rule of Peace: Day 5

"See that no one repays evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to all people." 1Thessalonians 5:15

I was 10 years old in 1978. I recall it like it was yesterday. It was just a few weeks before Thanksgiving; just before the Guyana tragedy took place, when my otherwise happy, sheltered childhood took a violent turn.

My 33 year old cousin, whom I adored, was murdered by a self-described White Supremacist. He lured my cousin to his home under the guise of friendship, then as they sat across the table from one another, he proceeded to shoot my cousin once between the eyes and twice in the chest. He stripped him of all of his clothing, and dumped his body on the side of a highway over some 50 miles away from our home.

Now, you may be wondering what in the world does that horrific memory have to do with today's scripture reference?

To be sure, there are many more layers to that memory for me, but what stands out most  in my mind from that time of deep trauma for my family, is my father's firm governance & leadership of us through that dark season.

Although my father was his uncle, my grandfather had passed away several years before this took place, so my Dad offered our family a "voice" in that season. 

I can still clearly remember hearing him speak the words...."This is a tragedy for both families; ours and his (the young man who killed my cousin). We will put our trust in God and the justice system to take care of this, but ultimately, nobody wins here...."

And that was it....the tone had been set. We had our marching orders and they had EVERYTHING to do with today's scripture reference....

My family are God-fearing followers of Jesus, and the mandate was clear. It still is today. We do not repay evil for evil. In fact, we are to repay evil with good, and are to bless and pray for those who would do evil to or against us.

I believe my father knew then what it has taken me time to understand in light of this matter. Sin is a universal ill that denotes great tragedy for all of us....

He was correct. In sin, nobody wins. Jesus is our only means of victory over the futility of sin; and because He paid the price to deliver us from the depravity that grips us all, we can stand firm against the urge and temptation to repay evil when it is committed against us. "The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil." 1 John 3:8


Father, when I am confronted with evil, help me to remember never to repay that evil with more evil. Strengthen me to walk out the calling for which my Jesus died to win me. Help me to always confront, repent of, and overcome my own tendencies towards sin so that I may not cause pain to those around me. Give me eyes and a heart of compassion towards those who have been wounded by the sins of others. In Jesus' Name! Amen!